Tuesday, June 24, 2008


(click on image for a larger view)

St. Dominic Academy Batch '83 -- Mark December 30, 2008 on your calendar!

It's hard to believe
it's been 25 Years!

Come and reminisce with

THE CLASS OF 1983 of St. Dominic Academy

on Tuesday, December 30, 2008

More details to follow...


Anonymous said...

Hi SDA classmates,

Can you believe that it has been 25years since you guys graduated from St. Dominic? Well, some of our classmates have been busy at work and are thrilled to invite you to your 25-YEAR CLASS REUNION. So, save Tuesday, December 30, 2008 with batch '83!

Though, I only attended SDA for two years, I have been invited by the reunion organizers…and of course I will gladly attend…who could refuse an invitation to a 25 years class reunion!

It won’t be the same without everyone there, so begin planning now…


Pearly said...

Hello SDA Classmates!
I hope you guys remember me. I'm very happy to see previous classmates from friendster. I hope you guys are always happy and God Bless.
It's me,
Pretty Pearl
Pearly Bernardo Plamenco

Anonymous said...

hello batchmates!
i'm in charge of the powerpoint presentation of our batch. if you have been keeping photos taken during our school days, kindly send high quality scanned jpeg copies to me:
skitzo.frienic@gmail.com or
so that i can include in the deck.